Healthy Opportunities Pilot HSO Network Application Now Open through October 12, 2021

Community Care of the Lower Cape Fear (CCLCF) was one of three awardees from across North Carolina for the Healthy Opportunities Pilot (HOP), an innovative Medicaid program sponsored by the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services. The Center for Medicaid Services (CMS) authorized up to $650 million in state and federal funding to test evidence-based, non-medical interventions designed to improve health outcomes and reduce healthcare costs for a subset of Medicaid enrollees. CCLCF applied for this grant in 2019 with the support of New Hanover Regional Medical Center, Cape Fear Collective, and the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. This program will have a regional footprint that includes New Hanover, Pender, Brunswick, Columbus, Bladen, and Onslow Counties.

HOP allows for nonprofits/human service organizations to become providers for 29 approved services across 4 sector areas including food, transportation, housing and interpersonal safety that will be Medicaid reimbursable for the duration of the pilot program, slated to end in 2024 with possible extension through 2026. The program also includes funding for capacity building for nonprofits to expand their current services to participate in the program, with up to $7.7 million available for distribution. Organizations that currently work in the sectors and counties that are in the scope of this Pilot are encouraged to apply. The application window is from September 20 – October 12, 2021. 

This application process is now closed. If you are interested in future opportunities, please email

To watch a How To video about filling out the application, the video recording is here:

Access Passcode: DY3wj^Ma

To view the 29 approved HOP services, the Cape Fear HOP HSO Network Assessment Process once the application window closes, and a pdf version of the HSO Application in case you want to review offline, please click on the links below:


HSO Network Assessment Process

HSO Network Application pdf version

Cape Fear Collective and CCLCF would also like to offer data support as you plan for capacity building funding. Click the link below to access County Overview Reports and a Regional Overview Map. Click on map tracts for additional data. Please note that we will continue to add indicators over the next several weeks to give you greater access to data. If you have any questions on how to navigate this link, contact Luigi Mendez, CFC HOP Data Scientist at